wanna receive payments in crypto ?— Easy

We’ve got you covered
No Setup Fees. No Hidden Fees
Swap crypto assets
Uninterrupted Financial Procedures


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One click solutionSave time. Widget is quick and easy to integrate, and you won't have to involve those tech guys.
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Restful API ArchitectureOur API Developer Portal is packed with all the documentation and additional support you need to get started.
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Track customersAll cardholder data in real time to monitor and manage everything going on in the sandbox.
Crypto paymentsSend and receive payments in 10 virtual currencies 24/7
Flexible fees
Fees starting just from 0,5% from your turnover. No setup fees. No any hidden fees.
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Instant and limitless exchange.
No chargebacks or rolling reserve
Chargebacks and rolling reserves change the concept of uninterrupted financial procedures.
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Instant exchange between crypto and fiat currencies at the best market rates
Best exchange rates
Receive the best exchange rates in your CryptoPayments merchant account at any given time.
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Easy API integration
A Fully-Featured API Platform At Your Fingertips. We offer a full-featured platform for providing essential crypto services to your clients in a highly sophisticated and detailed way.
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Merchant Account
Just try it yourself.
You can easily track each transaction and verify all data in your account. Our designers made this process simple.
Permission levels for your team
Deposit, withdraw and payout
Complete all data that you need in one form
Transaction export
Two-factor authentication
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Crypto paymentsSend and receive payments in 10 virtual currencies 24/7
Flexible fees
Fees starting just from 0,5% from your turnover. No setup fees. No any hidden fees.
Swap crypto
Instant and limitless exchange.
No chargebacks or rolling reserve
Chargebacks and rolling reserves change the concept of uninterrupted financial procedures.
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Instant exchange between crypto and fiat currencies at the best market rates
Best exchange rates
Receive the best exchange rates in your CryptoPayments merchant account at any given time.
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Easy API integration
A Fully-Featured API Platform At Your Fingertips. We offer a full-featured platform for providing essential crypto services to your clients in a highly sophisticated and detailed way.
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Merchant Account
Just try it yourself.
You can easily track each transaction and verify all data in your account. Our designers made this process simple.
Permission levels for your team
Deposit, withdraw and payout
Complete all data that you need in one form
Transaction export
Two-factor authentication
merchant accountmerchant account

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